Romain BOMAN

about me


This site is built with github pages which is based on jekyll, a set of ruby modules (“gems”) for the creation of static websites and blogs from templates (liquid) and markdown/html files.

When I first tried to build a site with github pages, I didn’t understand a lot of things and I finally decided to stop trying. The problem was that github pages involve a lot of programs I didn’t know very well (ruby, gems, yaml, liquid, sass). Moreover, most examples heavily use the latest versions of html5, css and javascript which are rather different from the ones I used in the past. I have finally taken the time to understand how all these “new” things where connected to each other and how github pages work.

I started by building an empty site from the “theme chooser” in the settings of one of my repos. The resulting website contained almost nothing but the system worked nicely. The new pages can be easily created and modified from github in a similar way as if it was a github “wiki”. And each time a file is commited, github automatically regenerates the website which is made available at

The next step was to be able to build the website locally on my computer from its source code. It should work on Windows (at home) and on Linux (at work).

Going further required me to understand how everything worked because github hides a lot of “details” when building the site from the markdown and the almost-empty _config.yml that is generated by the “theme chooser”.


Generating the website locally


sudo apt-get install ruby
sudo gem update
sudo gem install jekyll bundler 
sudo chmod -R a+rX /var/lib/gems/
sudo chmod -R a+rX /usr/local/bin/
cd ~/dev/
sudo bundle install 
sudo chmod -R a+rX /var/lib/gems/
sudo chmod -R a+rX /usr/local/bin/
sudo rm Gemfile.lock
bundle exec jekyll serve

If _config.yml has changed, the site can be fully rebuit using:

bundle exec jekyll build


I haven’t used but MSYS2. MYSYS provides me with a similar development environment as above:

It seems that ctrl-c does not kill the webserver. Use the taskmanager to kill it.

Documents/website I read


Github Pages

Example Sites

